Houdini HDA Lops Solaris Camera Switcher and Edit
The Lops Camera Switcher is a free HDA for Houdini.
It creates an Uber Camera that jumps between the incoming Cameras the user specifies. It replicates all the input cameras’ properties, and can handle animation. It makes a new camera named as you choose.
Now with Cut Mode! Support basic time remapping too, to allow you to create and rough out an edit
Currently, nothing like this exists in Lops Solaris in USD.
It is similar in design to the Switcher node in the Object context that is commonly used to switch between Cameras - except it matches all the camera's properties.
It should be handy if you are trying to dress, simulate or light for multiple cameras or to visualise how cameras cut together.
Only tested in Houdini 19.5.
If you like it please consider rating it here on Gumroad and following me over at Twitter - @DoesCg
More info can be found about the tool www.richardcthomas.com/lops-camera-switcher
Fully commercial HDA. The node is not black-boxed, so you'll be able to explore exactly how it works - both the nodes and Python code.